Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Canada's banking system: A blueprint for the world?

March 31, 2009


This article basically praises the banking system of Canada and it also suggest that the banking system in which Canada uses should be a blueprint for other countries. The combination of Canada's macro-economic framework, regulatory oversight of our financial sector and the specific management practices of the private sector has resulted in a strong, well-capitalized and successful banking sector. With such positive approaches, Canada banking system should be highly regarded as a global solution. On the flip side, Canada has also done an explicit job keeping inflation rates low and stable vastly due to the Bank Act's mandated review, regulations separating the traditional four pillars of the financial sector -- banks, insurers, trust companies and investment dealers -- were largely eliminated. Most importantly, by 1990 Canada has already created an assimilated bank model which gives The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) all the power. Besides having a strong framework, what makes Canada bank so stable and unique is chiefly due to their private banking sector which is trained to offer risk management practices. With practices which eliminates high risk, Canadian banks are insured to offer lower risks and deeper relationships with our customers. With such great moderation and balance, this is vastly the reason why Canadian bank should be highly regarded as a blueprint for the entire financial world.

Connections to Introduction

The connections I make with this article and Chapter 7 has to do with the Banking system which Canada offer which is referred to as branch banking. What makes branch banking so stable is vastly due to the diversified assets and liabilities which allows funds to be transferred between branches to accounts where they are needed the most. This is basically the safeguard in which Canadian branch banks offers because if bank branch was independent, then a large portion of its loans are in one area or are concentrated in certain industries. This can be risky. At times branch banking is often criticize for giving centralization of financial power to a country, but if we look at present day facts, then we can clearly see that we are one of the few countries in the world that is actually weathering this storm relatively well. This is also the reason why I think many other countries should give the branch bank system a try.


Personally, I think many countries should use the Canadian banking system as a blueprint for the future because if we follow the Canadian banking system, then the chances of a global recession happening again would sharply decline mainly because the Canadian banking system operates with very little risk involved. As a Canadian citizen, I can easily acclaim my money to be safe because I wouldn't have to worry over banks filing for a bail out or any other risky events. Our neighbour down south on the other hand is in a way different story because many of their large financial corporations are falling down like lightning chiefly because their banks has extremely high risk, but with high rewards. But if high reward ends up in a recession, which makes unemployment high, then why not just use the Canadian banking system as a blueprint for the future.


Calvin Wong said...

I believe that the Canadian government should help more with the money transactions that develop between businesses. It is true that currently our banking system has helped us sustain all the economical problems but there still are flaws in it. It is important that because of the recession, we stop saving money as much and spend more to allow the equilibrium GDP to balance out better. Our banks right now aren’t allowing enough money to be lent even though it was an important factor with the reason as to why our country isn’t doing that bad with the recession. Hopefully the banks with let more people borrow money as long as they are fully checked.

Block F

Jason said...

Though no banks in the world of economics can truly be risk free and recession proof, it is still possible to manage risks as shown by the banking system of Canada. The branch banking system of Canada allows it to have more diversified assets and liabilities. By retaining most of their customer's loans, the Bank of Canada lowers risk as well as creating a better relationship with consumers, something that is necessary in today's economy with the recession. It is also worth praising the monetary policy of Canada for its efforts in keeping the inflation rate low and stable by changing the money supply, hence controlling purchasing power and price levels. Another way that Banks in Canada have successfully controlled inflation rates would be changing reserve regulations on deposits. Higher reserve rates decrease the amount of loans being lent out, influencing spending. Currently, I think the Bank of Canada should lend out more loans to increase consumer spending to boost GDP in times of recession.

Block F